Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Leaf

A fragile golden leaf I am fallen
from a great tree onto a mysterious lake
the boundaries here defined, formed, so I am caught
confined within the limits of a random inland sea

I know my origins, spawned, I was born
I was this tree, it's trunk, a mighty limb, a small branch
to eventually become, a tiny insignificant leaf
side-lined from the main-game
trunk and root for so long
the stately image of importance
I find myself a leaf floating on a lake

what can life hold now, so fragile
so delicate - what is to become of me ?

I did not choose to dive into this abyss of water
yet find myself here, my past, my ancestry
means nothing now, I am adrift
to lightening, rain, sun, storm

what can a leaf do but acquiesce to earth
lose identity to the greater whole

will this make of me a magnificent fragment ?

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